2nd Bac - Gathering of Research Data


Gathering of Research Data 

Main role of an entrepreneur

-       The entrepreneur must prepare a plan that will help to collect the data to prove that the objectives of the research were accomplished.

-       The entrepreneur must have good team working skills for the gathering of research data because it is most likely that the entrepreneur must work in a team.

-       For an entrepreneurship project, that usually has low budget, the best idea is to have friends or family be part of the research team.

Information Gathering

Priority should be given to capturing data related to qualitative and quantitative research.

-       Qualitative research: To provide knowledge and understanding about the problem being the object of the research. The quality of the information.

     It gives you a lot more detailed information and may answer the question of “Why?” or “How?”


-       Quantitative research: To seek the quantification of data related to the research problem, by using some form of statistical analysis. The quantity of the information.Quantitative survey questions will be closed-ended or measurable. They may be “yes/no” questions, or answers may be expressed in a numerical format or on a rating scale. Quantitative responses usually answer the questions, “When?” “Where?” “Who?” or “How much?”


Data Collection Process Planning

-       The first step is to verify if the instruments that will be used to collect data are ready and properly tested, in terms of its structure and alignment with the objectives and hypothesis. A pilot test must be done in order to prove that the questions are clear and well structured.

-       The second step is to make and train the team that will apply the questionnaire. The information obtained with the questionnaires must be processed in a spreadsheet.


Surveys provide businesses the insight they need to ensure whether a product or service might be successful once made available. This accomplishes 4 things –

  1. Determines a Market – No use releasing a product or service if the market for it is flat or in decline.
  2. Determines Competition – Trying to steal customers from well-established businesses won’t be easy even if there is money to spend
  3. Determines Customer Base – You need regular buyers. Find out if there are any by conducting surveys.
  4. Determine Value – Consumers aren’t going to buy what you offer until it has value for them.


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