
Showing posts from May, 2024

2nd. Canvas Model • How to apply it to your Business

Image  Canvas Model • How to apply it to your Business When you have a business idea, before putting it into practice, the first thing we must do is b uild a model that is useful to analyze the company  that we intend to make a reality, in order to know if it is viable and evaluate its profitability. Something that can also be of importance if you have a company already operating. Traditionally, this has been a complex task that demands a lot of time and effort. In 2008 the Swiss Alexander Osterwalder published the book Business Model Generation based on his Doctoral Thesis work on Business Model Canvas, or simply Canvas Model. The method created by Osterwalder allows  build a business model quickly and easily. The intention is  help speed up the development of business initiatives,  something that is very useful to face the changing dynamics that we find today in the different sce...

2 Bach. Circular Ecónomy Business Model

                           What is the circular economy? The circular economy is oriented to nature as its role model. In essence, the concept of the circular economy aims to keep raw materials in a closed loop.  Why a circular economy is the future? The transition to a circular economy is likely to move faster than previous transformations. It has political support, for example, the EU aims to transition to a circular economy to make Europe cleaner and more competitive.  Five key circular business models Circular inputs #1 In a circular economy, renewable, recycled, or highly recyclable inputs are used in production processes – enabling partial or total elimination of waste and pollution. Waste becomes an asset, not a liability that you pay to dispose of. Sharing economy concept #2 Born-circulars maximise how idle assets are used across a community while providing customers with affordable and convenient ac...

2nd Bac - What is a Business Model ...?

Image  BUSINESS MODEL  The concept of business model, despite being already used in the 50s by Peter Drucker, has become popular in recent years thanks to its connotation in the world of e-Business. , where this term has been used to refer mainly to the way of generating income from an Internet business. However, there is general agreement that the term "business model" refers to the way in which the company carries out its business, that is, it is the mechanism by which it seeks to generate income and benefits and a summary of How a company plans to serve its customers. Different methodologies have been developed for the application of this concept. Specifically, the most widely accepted business model methodology today is the so-called Canvas, which was developed in 2009 by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (2005) established that a business model is a conceptual tool that contains a s...

2nd Bac. Skills of a Leader In the workplace, leaders who “lead by example” and inspire others to do the same are critical to an organization’s success. Be Authentic and Open It’s easy for an “us vs. them” mentality to fill a company when managers pretend that they have all the answers. This resentment can only be reversed by having managers take off the mask and be authentic, building trust, and ultimately promoting employee acceptance. Build Their Confidence to Build Your Company Your team is an asset, and like any asset, you want to see its value grow. Ego is one of the greatest motivators. Building someone’s confidence can have a powerful and positive impact on their work as an employee. Your job as a leader and manager is to help your team members strive to be their best and reach their maximum potential. Focus on Education Knowledge is power, so continually educating your employees empowers them to make ...

2nd Bac Socialism and Free Enterprise

  Socialism and Free Enterprise According to an old joke that has made the rounds of Eastern Europe, the basis of capitalism is the exploitation of man by man, while with socialism the situation is just the opposite. We shall study socialism and free-market competition not as political systems but as different economic principles. As we have indicated, we hope to show that if we study these two principles in their pure forms, their logic will correspond to the rationality of the group selection and gene selection theories rather precisely. At present, there is vigorous debate over which theory correctly describes how evolution operates. No intermediate solution has been forthcoming within the frameworks of these theories, and in the previous chapter we considered that the two theories might indeed be valid simultaneously. We can observe in e...

1st Bac - Social Responsibility

Image  Society is more concerned that business activities, which are carried out within countries, are operated respecting compliance with minimum requirements that help healthy social and environmental coexistence between human beings and other living beings that integrate nature, where different types of activities are developed for the production of goods and services In this process of increasing concern for social and environmental issues, the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has played an important role - an example is the Internet -, thanks to these tools access to data has been facilitated and information on proposals and actions that, around the world, are carried out to improve the quality of human life, in harmony with the natural environment where other living beings also live Social responsibility and business development When talking about social responsibil...