3rd Bac - Defining the investment needed

 Defining the investment needed


After the studies related with the market, the productive process and the resources needed to generate the good or service are done, the entrepreneur must transform this data and information into monetary terms. Among the fundamental elements, that take part of the total investment are the investment of working capital and the investment of fixed capital.


The Physical and Material Resources to start an Entrepreneurship

With the information about the estimate of physical and material resources, the entrepreneur is in the capacity to express them in monetary terms. This way we can know if the financial resources available are enough to finance the business that you want to begin. 


The estimate of the investment needed is an activity that helps to evaluate, at first the feasibility of what the entrepreneur wants to make, because it will be difficult to get funds for projects too ambitious in terms of investment. Also, the amount of the investment will focus in the increase of the risk that the entrepreneur will take. Specially if the entrepreneurship is financed through some type of financial loan.


In accounting terms, the investment is set under assets. This can be current or fixed, in the language of designing and evaluating of projects, they are known as working capital (current assets) and fixed capital (fixed assets).


Initial investment equals the amount needed for capital expenditures, such as machinery, tools, shipment and installation, etc.; plus any increase in working capital, minus any after tax cash flows from disposal of any old assets. Sunk costs are ignored because they are irrelevant.

Initial Investment = CapEx + ΔWC + D


CapEx is capital expenditure,

∆WC is the change in working capital and

D is the net cash flow from disposed asset.


Saindak Copper Company Ltd (SCCL) started a copper and gold exploration and extraction project in Baluchistan in 20X5. In 20X6-20X7, it incurred expenditure of $200 million on seismic studies of the area and $500 million on equipment, etc. In 20X8, the company abandoned the project due to disagreement with the government. Recently, a new business friendly government is sworn in. SCCL managing director believes the project needs reconsideration. The company's financial analyst and chief engineer estimate that $1,500 million worth of new equipment is needed to restart the project. Shipment and installation expenditures would amount to $200 million. Current assets must increase by $200 million and current liabilities by $90 million. The equipment purchased in 20X6-20X7 is no longer useful and is to be disposed of for after tax proceeds of $120 million. Find the initial investment outlay.


Initial investment

= equipment purchase price + shipment and installation + increase in working capital − disposal inflows

= $1,500 million + $200 million + ($200 million − $90 million) − $120 million

= $1,690 million.

SCCL needs $1,690 million to restart the project. It needs to estimate future cash flows from the project, and calculate net present value and/or internal rate of return in order to decide whether to go ahead with the restart or not.

$200 million expenditure on the seismic studies is not part of the initial investment because it is a sunk cost.



Choose an entrepreneurship and you will calculate the investment needed.

Working capital (for three months, think about the monthly payments you will need to make, like: rent, salaries, providers) and fixed capital (any machines or equipment you may need).


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